“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

- Nikola Tesla

Radiant Energy Wellness is breaking paradigms by forging forward with it’s cutting edge technology & new approach to health!

Home to Energy Medicine! At Radiant Energy Wellness, we view the body as energy and we look for root cause solutions.

Think of each cell like a tiny battery. When someone is healthy, these batteries have a lot of energy, around -70 to -90 millivolts. But when someone gets sick, these energy levels drop to -15 to -20mV. That's when people often say, "I feel tired all the time, like I have no energy."

Visit our exclusive EESystem Energy Lounge and other cutting edge therapeutic technology that are sure to raise your frequencies and reenergize you on every level, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

The Future Of Wellness Is Here Now!

Tony Robbins raving about the amazing EESystem!

To engage with our services or participate in any of our sessions, you're invited to join us as a member.

Step 1 Purchase a one-time membership fee of $5.00. You will also be asked to sign a membership agreement upon arrival of your first appointment. Joining our membership will grant you lifetime access to all of our services and member exclusive promotions!

Step 2 Once a member, the entire range of our services will be available to you to book at your convenience. We are excited for you to become a part of our community and look forward to serving your needs.

Radiant Energy Wellness is a Private Membership Association


Upcoming events.

Join us for a journey of wellness and self-discovery through our diverse range of events. Immerse yourself in the serenity of yoga sessions, experience the healing vibrations of singing bowls, and delve into themed EESystem Meditation nights for profound relaxation. Explore visiting holistic and spiritual practitioners. With each event tailored to elevate your well-being, embark on a transformative journey with us!

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"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
-Albert Einstein